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Why Home-Based Primary Care Is Best For Medicare Advantage Patients


Emcara Health Editors


April 08, 2022


Medicare Advantage Patients
Old man with healthcare worker, healthy lifestyle.

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are at the frontline of the changes transforming the routine clinic-based care industry. These changes include the adoption of value-based care models and shifts to home-based primary care. Today, with 26 million enrollees (42% of the total Medicare patients), MA reflects the fastest-growing segment of Medicare across the US. In this post, we discuss why home-based primary care services are proving to be better for MA patients than in traditional clinic-based medical care setting.

Health Care Delivery Organizations Are Moving Out of In-Patient Institutional Settings

Complex health care is moving from institutional settings right into the patients’ homes. Here at Emcara Health, we have known for a number of years that delivering home-based primary care –including behavioral health services – to patients in new, improved ways is critical to our long-term, value-based strategy.

As the latest wave of the pandemic seems to be nearing an end, overall health care reform efforts are focused on the in-home model. At Emcara Health, we are excited about the opportunity to integrate value-based care with home-based primary care. We are offering more access to care in a setting that makes patients and their family caregivers most comfortable.

There is great momentum for us to advance the industry and improve health outcomes. We have found that home-delivered holistic care which includes addressing social determinants of health and behavioral health drastically improves patient satisfaction and outcomes for those suffering from complex conditions. By the very nature of the house call, providers are able to spend more time with patients than in typical clinical settings and are able to see and understand the non-clinical challenges impacting the patient’s health.

Emergence of Medicare Advantage Value-Based Health Care System

As in-home primary care continues to evolve and data availability becomes more fluid, we will see virtual and vertical integration between the provider and health plans. With an already existing system in place, home-based care can be a valuable partner to help primary care physicians and other interdisciplinary team providers take the best care of their patients.

We believe that Medicare Advantage can help value-based health professionals better manage their patients with complex health care needs. Part of Emcara Health’s strategy is to be effective at those points of care that we know have a significant impact on outcomes and care quality.

It’s easy to see that the two most important needs within a value-based care system are being met with the prevalence of in-home care: providing care to patients who are experiencing a decline in physical and cognitive function where they need it and supporting health plans when patients are unable to visit urgent care centers and other clinical institutions.

Looking at our own experience here at Emcara Health, we have often been able to reduce the total cost of MA members by 20% or more. We have also helped reduce patient hospital readmission rates well below many of our clients’ established readmission benchmarks.  

Emcara Health: Delivering Compassionate & Quality Care By Meeting Patients Where They Live

We deliver fully integrated care to address the needs of the whole patient over time – we are not just a condition-specific care provider. Our multidisciplinary health care teams uncover and address social determinants of health issues as well as behavioral health challenges for MA members as part of our holistic approach. If you have any questions about how we can support your existing investments, please call us at 615-721-7020 or send us a message online.

With Emcara Health, your medical care team comes to you, at home, anytime you need them.

Our expert doctors and nurses are focused on one thing: You. They take a proactive approach to your care, making sure you feel heard, understood, and valued—and helping you spot and treat small issues before they become big ones. That means fewer urgent care, emergency room, and hospital admissions—and a huge improvement in your overall quality of life.

What’s more, your care team will coordinate your appointments with specialists and other providers and will be available to you anytime you need them. 

Call 1-800-344-1686 to get started with Emcara Health today!

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